Beauty Tips: Think Spring!

The spring issues have hit the stands and thank God for it. Even though I’m not much for wearing pastels, the Easter egg colored magazine covers almost smell like spring, even though at this very moment the view outside my window is…pretty depressing.
However, I believe in the power of positive thinking (aka, the grown-up version of sticking my fingers in my ears and singing, “LALALALALA CAN’T HEARRRRR YOU, WINTER!”), sweet and sexy is the thing for spring!
- Retro pink lipstick. Like red, only sweeter. Try Lancôme Color Fever Lipstick in Rock Icon Fuchsia ($25) paired with a soft neutral shadow. Keep eyes subdued if you’re going for bright lips.
- The smoky eye, only blue. Baby blue, that is. Try Rimmel London Glam Eyes Mono Eye Shadow in Posh Peacock (only $3.50 at drugstores) with nude lip gloss to balance it out.
- Go all out with liner and lashes. Do thick liner followed by tons of mascara. Both items easily found at drugstores. Try L’Oreal Paris Telescopic Liquid Eyeliner ($9) and Telescopic Explosion Mascara ($9.50)
- “No makeup” makeup. Only a woman would understand this concept, right? A good foundation (Glamour chooses CoverGirl TruBlend Microminerals Foundation, $11) and blush, and people will think you’re born with flawless skin. Well, men will. Women know better.
Also, remember to not be too “matchy matchy” with your look. For instance: pink lips, pink nails, pink sweater…blugh! Too much! Another thing: too much iridescence. Pick one thing on your face to sparkle and resist the urge to keep adding more. Only your 6 year old niece will think it looks good.
Same with dark lipstick, dark eye shadow, tons of liner…stop the madness. Emphasize your eyes and wear clear gloss, or wear dark lipstick and wear neutral eye shadow. It’s not 1995 anymore, honey.
Even though the landscape is gray and your feet are frozen, just remember…think spring! Okay, it won’t defrost your windshield any faster, but it will make you feel a little better.