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Beauty Splurge: Gym in a Bottle by Rodial

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Beauty Splurge: Gym in a Bottle by Rodial

We’ve all been there. We did our best all winter long to cut carbs and walk a little more each day at the gym, but despite all of that the bathing suit-clad woman staring back at us in the mirror of the department store fitting room doesn’t look the way we had hoped. First off cut yourself some slack–between the icky lighting and the 3 way mirrors those fitting rooms have you are bound to find some imperfections somewhere on your body. However, no one likes a lumpy bum, and so I am proud to introduce…drum roll please…your new best friend: Rodial Body Sculpture Daily Slimming and Anti-Cellulite Gel, $125.

This fast-acting 4 week treatment is designed to correct your silhouette by stimulating tissue drainage, which helps to firm, tighten and tone problem areas. Plus, bio marine actives, caffeine, and wheat proteins work to break down fat deposits, leaving you with smoother, firmer and tighter skin, not to mention a reduction in cellulite.

Here is what you have to do: Massage the gel into problem areas (arms, thighs, hips, butt, tummy) twice a day for 30 days.

The results: Clinical tests showed that using the gel 2 times a day for 4 weeks helped to diminish the appearance of the dreaded ‘orange-peel’ look cellulite causes by 15%, it improved the look of the silhouette by 47%, and reduced the circumference of the thighs by up to 1 centimeter!

My take: As someone who works out and tries to eat healthy (disregard my secret stash of Dove dark chocolate I keep in my desk), it’s so frustrating that I still have a tough time getting rid of a few problem areas. Since I started using Body Sculpture I have definitely seen a difference in the firmness of my skin. It is the perfect product to use to help enhance the silhouette you work hard to maintain!

Seriously how can you beat that! If you are already doing all you can to keep your body in shape by eating healthy and working out regularly, you deserve a product that helps to improve your silhouette and this is definitely it. Although the price is a little steep, how can you pass up the opportunity to get rid of the cellulite and other problem areas that keep you from rocking that adorable bikini you haven’t been confident enough to wear yet?

Check out for more information and to order your Body Sculpture now…summer is just around the corner after all!

Photo Courtesy of Rodial

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