Beauty Talk – What You Need to Know About Plastic Surgery – Dr. Sam S. Rizk

Dr. Sam Rizk is the director of the Manhattan Facial Plastic Surgery, PLLC and is one of the top plastic surgeons in the world. Dr. Rizk is known for his unique and innovative techniques in providing natural and long-lasting results with less down-time.
Dr. Rizk has been featured in countless magazine editorials as the best facelift, necklift and rhinoplasty surgeon in the business, with clients from all over the world who desire a healthier and more natural looking appearance.
I was given the opportunity to ask Dr. Rizk a few questions with regards to plastic surgery and being gracious, he agreed – read further to find out what the differences are between a modified and deep plane facelift and what type of skincare is needed to avoid plastic surgery in the future.
Anita: Thank you Dr. Rizk, I appreciate you taking time to answer these rather complicated questions.
Dr. Rizk: It’s not a problem at all – I rather enjoyed it.
Anita: What is 3-D high-definition in the world of plastic surgery?
Dr. Rizk: I have been using a 3D High Definition telescope in my facelifts and rhinoplasties for several years. This system has never been used in aesthetic surgery to my knowledge. The main advantage is visualization for the surgeon. I am able to use the camera to see deep within the tissues so I can produce results that are more precise, which is especially important with delicate structures of the face, eyelids and nose. I find this to be a fantastic tool that has allowed me to achieve exceptional outcomes, so my patients benefit as well.
Anita: The difference between a modified and full-blown Deep Plane facelift?
Dr. Rizk: My version of a modified deep plane facelift involves using shorter scars and working in the deeper tissues – so the patient gets the best of both worlds – a long-lasting, natural looking result with well concealed scars. The Modified Deep Plane facelift was developed to correct drooping eyelids and deep nasolabial folds that even younger Patients in their 40s and older have. Women and men who lack some facial elasticity and have sagging skin can be good candidates for this technique. Since it is mainly performed under the deeper tissue layers, we do not create tension on the superficial layer of the skin so there is less bruising and swelling compared with traditional facelift techniques.
Anita: The main reasons people look to plastic surgery?
Dr. Rizk: The patients we see are women and men from all professions and lifestyles. Cosmetic surgery has become more popular because new techniques are being used that make procedures safer, quicker, less invasive and with shorter healing times. I see teens who want a better looking nose, as well as adults who have had a rhinoplasty previously and want to have it corrected or improved because they were not happy with the original result. I also see women in their late 30s who want to maintain their youthful looks for longer with eyelid surgery, neck liposuction, fractionated carbon dioxide laser resurfacing, and dermal fillers. Women in their 40s and up are usually looking to correct the visible signs of aging – such as jowls, neck sagging, descending brows, and fatty deposits under the eyes, plus deeper folds and wrinkling. Men typically wait until their 40s or 50s or later to have surgery done, and it is often for their lower face and neck. They may come in for rhinoplasty, eyelid fat removal or neck liposuction at an earlier age as well. People are seeking out cosmetic enhancements to look good or better, younger than their chronological age, and healthy or less tired. They also want to remain competitive professionally and attractive to the opposite sex.
Anita: Is it true that more men get neck lifts than women, why? explain the Rapid Recovery Neck lift –
Dr. Rizk: Historically more women have full facelifts than men, but a considerable difference – 20% of men may undergo a full facelift operation. Men are mainly concerned with their lower eyelids and their lower face and neck, whereas women are concerned about every change they see on their face and study the signs of aging much more closely. I created my Rapid Recovery Necklift technique particularly for male patients, but it works equally well for younger women who do not need a full facelift yet. We make smaller incisions typically around the ears and sometimes under the chin and remove excess fat as needed and tighten muscles that are lax and remove small amounts of skin. The result is a sharper, youthful and more attractive jawline that patients want. The real test of a good facelift procedure is the neck. I consider this area to be one of my specialties and I spend a lot of time to get the neck just right so the results will last well for my patients.
Anita: What is the recovery time for a modified deep plane facelift?
Dr. Rizk: Because we are working on the deep tissues, there is minimal bruising and swelling. Most patients can return to work or normal activities within ten days.
Anita: If a person were to use age-appropriate skincare, would they still need plastic surgery?
Dr. Rizk: One thing has nothing to do with the other. I encourage all of my patients to avoid sun and smoking, take good care of their skin and be diligent about using high SPF. However, their skin and muscles will still sag over time and fat deposits will shift as the natural course of aging. So ideally, people need both good skincare to maintain the surface of their skin, as well as cosmetic surgery when their tissues begin to sag noticeably. Nothing replaces a well executed facelift for what it can deliver in terms of age reversal. We can take a decade or more of someone’s overall appearance in many cases.
Anita: Have you treated any high-profile personalities or celebrities?
Dr. Rizk: Yes from the US, Europe, Asia and the Middle East but I never discuss my clients.
Anita: What skincare regimen would you recommend to someone in their early twenties, if they planned on avoiding plastic surgery?
Dr. Rizk: In the 20s, the most important aspects of skincare to consider are oil control and sun protection. Young skin is more active and the sebaceous glands produce more oil, so moisturizers are not always needed, or not as often as during the menopausal years. I recommend good cleansing twice daily with a gel formula, glycolic acid to turn over cells and unclog pores, and an SPF30 during the day in a lotion formula that will not cause breakouts. Antioxidants are helpful during the day to protect skin from UV damage and environmental assault. If patients have acne or brown spots or redness, I routinely refer them to one of my dermatologist colleagues for presciption skincare, peels and laser and light based treatments.
Anita: Are you familiar with Liquid Facelifts? Liquid facelifts Vs. Deep Plane Facelifts?
Dr. Rizk: A liquid facelift is a term coined to describe using various combinations of fillers – such as Radiesse, Restylane, Sculptra Aesthetic, Juvederm – with wrinkle relaxing agents such as Botox Cosmetic and Dysport – to produce a facelift-like effect. There is no surgery involved and the deeper tissues are not affected, so this is nothing like a Deep Plane Facelift. Liquid facelift may last 6-12 months or slightly longer, whereas the results of a Deep Plane Facelift may last 10 years.
Anita: When choosing a Plastic Surgeon, what type of research should be done?
Dr. Rizk: It is important to do your homework carefully before choosing a surgeon – especially for your face – because these procedures are often not reversible and difficult to correct. Consumers should visit credible websites including, to research only board certified surgeons who are truly specialists with extensive experience in the procedures they are seeking. Expect to undero a detailed examination, medical history and evaluation to find out if you are a suitable candidate for a facelift or rhinoplasty, and ask questions about the benefits, longevity, recovery, and potential risks. You should also have a chance to view before and after photos of other patients who have undergone procedures similar to what you are considering so you can judge the surgeon’s results. Seeing more than one plastic surgeon in consultation is also important and we encourage all of our patients to come back for a second consultation to get all their questions answered before proceeding. If you want a good facelift, choose someone who does facelifts as a primary part of his or her practice, rather than someone who does a facelift occasionally. Similarly, rhinoplasty is one of the most difficult operations to master and that should be considered when selecting a surgeon who is a well-recognized expert in rhinoplasty and more importantly, in secondary or revision rhinoplasty.
Anita: Any last-minute pearls of wisdom?
Dr. Rizk: If your face shows the effects of aging and environmental damage with loosening of the skin and muscle, creating jowls, sagging cheeks, deepening nasolabial folds, and a loose neck, you can benefit from a facelift, but there are other options to consider. I customize a procedure for each individual patient and I never do the same operation on every patient. A facelift or rhinoplasty is not a one size fits all procedure.
Anita: Thank you so much Dr. Rizk, I enjoyed our conversation and found it very informative.
Dr. Rizk: You’re very welcome!
Remember to do your research, when using products or procedures it is important to seek the best medical and professional assistance possible. Altering your body and health require homework – for information visit: Dr. Rizk.
Rizk Samieh MD
1040 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10028
(212) 452-3362