Beauty Splurge: Rejuvenating the Delicate Eye Area

Most type A+ personalities claim to function on less than 5 hours of sleep – or believe they can do their sleeping once they’re dead.
What people don’t realize is the longer your eyes are not getting the proper rest aka Sleep – the delicate eye area breaks down and wrinkles and under eye puffiness appear.
Preventing premature aging requires more than proper nutrition and protection against the sun – Sleep is essential. For those of us that live busy lifestyles and are not getting the full 8 hours of sleep required, there is Eye Dream by Talika.
Eye Dream by Talika is a contour eye cream that rejuvenates the delicate eye area, by providing the skin with the necessary amino acids to help rebuild the fragile area, giving it optimum hydration and moisture while you sleep – even if you sleep less than 8 hours.
From the moment you close your eyes to the minute you wake up – eye dream will eliminate under eye puffiness and give that bright-eyed bushy-tailed look we wish we had when we were twenty!
Eye Dream by Talika is Citygirl approved!
Talika available at Sephora or @Talika