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After Valentine’s Day Giveaway: Red Lipsticks by Senna Cosmetics

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After Valentine’s Day Giveaway: Red Lipsticks by Senna Cosmetics

Don’t you think that love and red lipstick should carry on, even after Valentine’s Day?

Well, here is something sweet to look forward to after cupid has packed his bow and arrow:

Senna Cosmetics is offering three of their lovely red lip products for an After Valentine’s Day Giveway on My Life in Beauty to three lucky recipients!

Here is what you need to do… Read about, admire (and imagine yourself wearing!) the three beautiful shades of Senna lip products below and leave a comment at My Life in Beauty about what you think and/or love about red lipstick.  On March 4th, we’ll randomly draw three winners to each win one  lipstick or lip lacquer by Senna Cosmetics!

Here are the stunners:

Valentina Cream Lipstick- “A classic red”, deep and rich in hue.  Think:  Marilyn Monroe red.  Moisturizing with a creamy texture!

Heartbreaker Cream Lipstick- Heartbreaker is red like her sister Valentina, but a red with a “retro, glamour” flair that carries pink undertones.  So pretty!

Code Red Lip Lacquer- Senna claims their lip lacquer is “The yummiest, longest lasting gloss ever!”  I can vouch for that and it does taste yummy too-  vanilla!  One of my favorites in a dreamy, glossy red…

Aren’t they gorgeous?  Don’t forget to share your thoughts on red lipstick (you can tell us what you think of Senna Cosmetics’ reds if you like!).  Good Luck everyone!

Lip products can be viewed and purchased at

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