Jump Starting A New Year in Beauty at...
Leave it to Sak’s Fifth Avenue to help jump-start our beauty routines by giving us an exclusive Beauty Calendar that...

The Lazy Girl’s Guide to a Luxe...
Between preparing for the holidays and running errands who has time to plan and think about makeup, especially for...

Gift-Giving Holiday Beauty Essentials
The holidays are around the corner and there is still time to order a few gift-sets online for the special beauty...

The World’s Most Comfortable Br...
A good friend of mine told me once that there was a breast cancer study conducted in the bay area and that the...

The World’s Best Toner, Ever ...
In the beauty industry facial toners are not taken seriously, why you may ask, because most people who use toners do...

Pin It To Give It For Breast Cancer &...
October is Cancer awareness month and you can help “Stand Up To Cancer” by joining Elizabeth Arden’s Pin It To Give...

Indulging in Honey – La Sultane...
There are all types of masks, purifying, exfoliating, retexturizing and hydrating masks that leave your skin...

Double Duty Beauty with Lift Lab̵...
Cleansers are a dime a dozen and the experts will tell you not to spend a mini fortune on them, but I don’t agree. ...